International Conference in Odessa, Ukraine

August 16–21, 2010, Odessa, Ukraine
http://uavso.org.ua/?page=vs2010 (in English)
http://uavso.org.ua/?page=vs2010&lang=ru (in Russian)
First Announcement
- Interacting Binary Stars (with special sections on Cataclysmic and Symbiotic Variables)
- Pulsating Variables
- Eruptive Variables
- Chemical Composition and Evolutionary Status
- Discoveries and Classification of New Variables
- Mathematical Modeling of Variable Astrophysical Objects and Processes
- Variable Radio , Gamma and X-Ray sources
- Occultations of Stars and Extraterrestrial Planet Transits
- Small Telescopes in Variable Star Research
- Advanced Methods and Instruments for Astrophysical Observations
Chair of the SOC: Kovtyukh V.V. (AO ONU, Odessa, Ukraine)Vice-Chairs: Andronov I. L. (ONMU, Odessa, Ukraine), Mishenina T.V. (AO ONU, Odessa, Ukraine)
Secretary: Marsakova V.I. (DA ONU, Odessa, Ukraine; LOC Vice-Chair)
Members of the SOC:
Andrievsky S.M. (AO ONU, Odessa, Ukraine), Berdnikov L.N. (SAI, Moscow, Russia), Chochol D. (AI SAS, Slovakia), Grinin V.P. (MAO RAS, St.Peterburg, Russia), Hegedus T. (Baja Observatory, Hungary), Henden A. (AAVSO, Harvard, USA), Hric L. (AI SAS, Slovakia), Kim Chun-Hwey (AO CBNU, Cheongju, Korea), Kudzej I. (Vihorlat Observatory, Slovakia), Mikulasek Z. (MUNI, Brno, Slovakia), Panchuk V.E. (SAO RAS, Russia), Pavlenko E.P. (CrAO, Ukraine), Pavlenko Ya.V. (MAO NANU, Kiev, Ukraine), Pogodin M.A. (MAO RAS, St.Peterburg, Russia), Ryabov M.I. (Odessa obs. RI NAS, Ukraine), ONU, Ukraine), Samus' N.N. (IA RAS; SAI, Moscow, Russia), Szabados L. (Konkoly Observatory, Hungary), Szczerba R. (Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Torun, Poland), Turner D. (StMU, Halifax, Canada), Yushchenko A.V. (ARCSEC, Seoul, Korea)
Chair: Andrievsky S.M.Vice-Chairs: Marsakova V.I., Melikyants S.M.
Members of the LOC:
Breus V.V., Chinarova L.L., Glazunova L.V., Koshkin N.I., Kudashkina L.S., Pikhun A.I., Strakhova S.L, Udovichenko S.N., Usenko I.A, Virnina N.A.
The study of binary, pulsating, cataclysmic and eruptive variable stars is one of the main scientific directions pursued by the Astronomical observatory and Department of Astronomy of the Odessa National University. This scientific direction was founded in Odessa by Prof. V. P. Tsessevich in 1944 and immediately attracted many specialists who were interested in variable stars and represent the "V. P. Tsessevich scientific school". Plenty of outstanding variable star researches graduated from the Odessa National University and continued their research in Odessa as well as at other observatories and Universities in the world. Today, at the beginning of the new century, Odessa astronomers can be really proud of their achievements in this area of astrophysics.
The tradition to organize the conferences on variable stars commenced in 1980. Since 1997, these conferences have obtained an international status. Normally these conferences are held every four years. The last two conferences were organized in 2001 and 2005.
The next conference is scheduled for August 2010, and it is believed that this conference will provide a wide exchange of views concerning the current problems in the domain of theoretical and observational studies of variable stars of different classes.
The working language is English.The Conference will be held in Chernomorka near the Black Sea, 15 km far away from Odessa. Click here to view the map.
Registration deadline: 01.06.2010
Abstract submission deadline: 01.06.2010
Please direct abstracts to the SOC ([email protected]) indicating the title, names of the authors and the institution. The text of abstract should contain no more than 200 words (in the .doc or .rtf formats supported by the Microsoft Word, OpenOffice Writer, AbiWord and many other text processors).
A template:
Title Of Contribution A.B. Author1, A.B. Author2,3, A.B. Author4 1 Affiliation (Institution, City, Country), e-mail 2 Affiliation ...Text (should not exceed 200 words) (in a case of one affiliation, no indexes are needed)
Pension “Sovinyon” reservation deadline: 15.03.2010Sports and Recreation Centre "Chernomorka" reservation deadline: 15.06.2010
Please, inform the LOC ([email protected]) about your reservation.
Conference fee:
- 100$ (70 euro)
- 50$ or 40 euro for students and postgraduate students
- 30$ or 20 euro for accompanying persons (no fee for children).
The conference fee should be paid upon arrival during the registration.
Conference place:
The Conference will be held in the Sports and Recreation Centre of Odessa National University "Chernomorka" on the bank of Black Sea (15 km far from the center of the city). Participants will have the possibility to live either in the Chernomorka (12$ per a day including three meals a day, the exact prices will be fixed in March-April) or in comfortable pension “Sovinyon”. Accommodation in Sovinyon is possible on the base of preliminary reservation only! All information and prices (e.g. a double-room costs 500 Ukrainian grivna per a day, January 2010 the rate was 1$=8.0grn) concerning the pension are given in the web-site: http://www.sovinyon-resort.com.ua/en.html
Attention, please! August is a high season in Odessa. To book a room in Sovinyon for sure, it is necessary to contact with administration of the pension before March, 15: [email protected]
Concerning Chernomorka, it is necessary to contact with LOC before June, 15: [email protected]
For participants and accompanying persons there is the possibility to stay in Chernomorka after Conference.
Odessa in Wikipedia:
The weather in August is usually pleasant, with maximum temperature near 30 C and minimum near 20 C. Rain is possible, but generally light. The sea is warm (usually 20-25C), the weather is fine and not too hot permitting to combine a participation in the conference and a good relaxation. A bathing costume is useful!
If you need a formal invitation letter please supply us with your fax number or postal address, and with details that need to be included into the letter (e.g., for obtaining financial support from funds in your university, country or from international foundations).
For more details regarding the conference, please, contact us:
Astronomical Observatory of Odessa National University Shevchenko Park Odessa, 65014 Ukraine Phone: +38 048 7220396 Fax: +38 048 7228442 E-mail: [email protected] Internet: http://uavso.org.ua/?page=vs2010 (in English) http://uavso.org.ua/?page=vs2010&lang=ru (in Russian)
REGISTRATION FORM (English) (Russian)International conference "VARIABLE STARS - 2010" (August 16-21, 2010, Ukraine, Odessa) Title (звание, должность): First name (имя): Middle Name (отчество): Last Name (фамилия): Organization (организация, отдел): Postal address (почтовый адрес): Country (страна): Zip Code (почтовый индекс): Phone (телефон): Fax (факс): E-mail: Title of contribution (название доклада): Author (авторы): Scientific sections (научная секция): Type of report (форма доклада – устный, постерный): Arrival date (дата и время прибытия в Одессу): Departure date (дата и время отъезда): I’ll arrive to Odessa by (вид транспорта прибытия) ___________________ Accommodation (проживание): Hotel (Гостиница) _____, База отдыха _____, Общежитие ______.
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